Our goal is to increase gender equality and women’s economic empowerment in Georgia and ensure inclusive economic growth in which women participate in the workforce on an equal basis with men.

The challenges to this goal are many, yet we recognize that we all benefit the closer Georgia moves towards it.

This project is possible by the generous support of USAID and implemented by “Article 42 of the Constitution” and with the collaborative efforts of four partner organizations: 

Landing Tell your story

Have you experienced discrimination based on your gender? Do you have a story to share? Help show others that they are not alone! Tell us your story! 

Get Involved!

The Game

Coming 19 December
Explore your wage gap! In Georgia, men earn on average 39% more than women. Are you earning or are you losing? Play and find out!

Survey Data


Explore the survey data, entitled the Employment-related Research in Georgia, by the Center for Social Sciences. You can visualize the results of one question or the interaction (cross-tabulation) between the results of two questions. You may also choose to narrow the scope of this analysis by creating a subset of the data.

Job interviews
Wages, promotions, benefits